PEERS Conference High Impact Paper Award
14-12, 2012 2011 PEERS Conference High Impact Paper Award

Congratulations to Bruce Allison who has been selected to share the 2011 PEERS Conference High Impact Paper Award for his paper titled Kinetic Model-Based Estimation and Inferential Control of the Causticizing Process.Bruce Allison has been the principal research engineer developing this innovative APC solution that proved to provide stability, more efficiency, debottlenecking and cost saving to Kraft pulp producers. TEXO has been sponsoring FPInnovations for the research and development of a new advanced control solution for recausticizing process over the past years. TEXO now commercializes this R&D effort in a product called CAUST-X, which is already implemented in more than 6 mills.
Download white paper:
Kinetic Model-Based Estimation and Inferential Control of the Causticizing Process by Bruce Allison - FPInnovations
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CAUST-X solution